About Our School

Cogan Primary School is located on the outskirts of the seaside town of Penarth in a residential area consisting of a blend of traditional and modern private dwellings.

The school caters for children aged 3 – 11 years. We are a single form entry school with approximately 30 children in each class, plus the nursery children who attend either a morning or afternoon session. The main buildings are Victorian, which have been the centre of the community since it was built in 1884.

Accommodation is provided by three separate buildings. The main block houses the Reception class and years 1 to 3; the other building houses a hearing resource base, years 4 to 6 and a computer suite. The Early Years are accommodated at the end of Cawnpore Street in a bespoke nursery unit accommodating up to 96 children. The nursery unit was built in 1970.

Outside, there is a large hard-paved yard, a school garden and to the rear of the school is a large fenced area of land developed for a variety of learning and adventure activities. Beyond this the school has access to approximately six acres of grassland, which is immediately adjacent and is used for sporting and recreational purposes.

The school has strong links with parents and carers, there is an active and financially supportive PTA, which, working closely with the governing body and through the organisation of a variety of well attended events, has raised the profile of the school within the local community.

Penarth Leisure Centre is a five minutes’ walk from the school, and Cogan has a direct rail and bus link with Cardiff Central Station.

The receiving Secondary School is St. Cyres Comprehensive; the school maintains close links with the members of staff of this school, and comprehensive transition arrangements are in place.

Parents who are considering sending their children to Cogan Primary School may visit the school by prior arrangement with the Headteacher.
