Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Club

The school runs a Free Breakfast Club from 8.00am to 9.00am in the main hall. Please ensure children are dropped off between 8.00-8.30am. There is a secure door/CCTV system at the door nearest the main hall, you need to ring the buzzer and you will be let in. Children are provided with breakfast and can participate in a range of activities. The nursery children will be escorted to nursery in time for the morning session by members of staff.

After School Clubs

There is a paid after school club facility 3.10pm to 6pm. This is run by a company called ‘Bear Pak’ they offer a range of activities and tea, the children are collected from school and taken to Stanwell Church Hall. Please contact Bear Pak for further information. This is in addition to after school clubs run by teachers.

After school clubs for primary aged children are held from 3.20pm - 4.15pm in the following areas for ten weeks each term:

Sport, Eco, Welsh, Storytelling, Sign Language, Choir, Creative and Homework.

Clubs are supervised by school staff. Parents must give permission for children to remain in school and make arrangements for going home. They must sign up for the free clubs on a first come first served basis each term. Children will be dismissed via the main gate at 4.15pm promptly.