Teaching & Learning

A focus on learning and pupil voice drive provision and teaching at Cogan Primary School. We recognise that children learn best when teaching and learning experiences enthuse, engage, innovate and motivate them to learn. We value play and foster their curiosity and a love of learning.

Play and experiential learning is very important to us

‘Play is the work children do,’ is a saying first recorded by Maria Montessori early in the 20th century.

The importance of active learning however was noted as early as 450b.c. by Confucius who stated:

Tell me, and I will forget

Show me, and I may remember

Involve me, and I will understand.

At Cogan Primary School active learning by first hand experiences of exploring, investigating, experimenting is at the heart of everything we do. Supported by adults, active learning and learning through play facilitates each child’s acquisition of skills, knowledge and attitudes and enables the child to formulate ideas about the world around them. The experiences offered at our school may not focus on any one concept at a particular time but may encompass several. One play activity may contain several learning experiences. In addition, imaginative and social play enables a child to express themselves and to express and externalise emotions and conflicts in a socially acceptable way.

Key Principles:

• The learning environment and atmosphere is purposeful and children feel safe.

• Learning is highly social making full use of visually stimulating environment indoors and outdoors.

• Learning experiences are planned with the children; teachers ensure that children’s needs and progress meet the requirements of the new curriculum for Wales. There is a balance of practitioner-directed and child-initiated activities and many opportunities for experiential learning and reflective discussion.

• Lines of Progression inform planning, teaching provision, support, reinforcement, challenge and extension of learning for each child.

• Individual children are assessed on the progress they make, understanding that all of us have different starting points.

• There are strong links between home, school and the community. The importance of parental involvement in their children’s learning is recognised, valued and developed.