
The Governors at Cogan Primary support the Vale of Glamorgan Policy on attendance.​ So from the 1st October 2014 no holidays are authorised in term time.

From January 1st 2015, the use of Fixed Penalty Notices began. Governors and the Head teacher are duty bound to inform the LA should the above conditions be broken and Fixed Penalty Notices will be served by the local authority which will be £60. We are sure there will be a lot of questions regarding these new changes for all of us. However, the clear message is your child/children must be in school otherwise their attainment will be affected.

We now use the Welsh Government’s new ‘Callio’ attendance tool. We are monitoring attendance very closely and will write to you every term advising you of your child’s % attendance for that term. This reflects the actual number of days your child has been in school. We appreciate that there may be reasons behind low attendance medical appointments or special circumstances which may sometimes be taken into account. Please see the table below for the Green, Amber and Red bandings and what this means in terms of days off school.

Each term, all children who have an attendance figure of 100% and above will receive a special Headteacher’s certificate​ and prize.